This is also allows for sharing and contribution defined by the storage location Google Drive, Dropbox, the browser, locally, and so on. Storage multitude – You can store your drawings in multiple locations, i.e.And now when you hover an element, the tooltip shows Add tooltips – A somewhat hidden feature is that most elements can have tooltips added using Edit > Edit tooltip from the menues.Try this one, lots of neat options exists if you want to make a quick mindmap you could choose Horizontal tree, and then click the arrows to add new items, and doubleclick to change texts. Insert multiple elements at once – Using the + menu (the rightmost element in the toolbar), you are able to open a dialog window to insert multiple elements at once.Just select the elements you want to work with, and either access the option through context menu or the main menu Alignment, grouping and arranging – If you want to, you can easily do all of these.Import and Export – Yes, multiple option exists :-).Zooming and moving about – See the keyboard shortcut sheet, but it is fairly intuitive using Alt-MouseWheel for zooming, or Right mouse dragging for panning the canvas.Edit, copy and paste styles – When working with different elements it is also possibly to change the style of the elements, either through textual editing, or hitting buttons or keyboard shortcuts.change the default line to a straight line, width 5px. Setting preferences for different elements - Using the format panel to the right you can change settings for each elements, and also store new default preferences. But now both these are linkable to other elements Alternatively hitting Ctrl-K inserts a rectangle which you can enter text into (unfortunately, you might want to untick the line around the rectangle). Adding linkable text element – Dragging a text symbol gives you an text element ready for editing.Connect to multiple elements – Just drag another connection.Options does exist to change from arrows to lines, direct, cornered, curved connections, and so on Connecting elements – When an element is selected, there is an arrow icon which you can click and drag to another element to connect them.Replace the shape of an element – If you change your mind, you can just select an element, hold down Alt and hit the new shape and it is replaced.Add shaped elements – Drag and drop symbols/shapes/items from the left menu unto the canvas, and start typing the text directly.Including bullet points, indentation and similar

Text can be moved, edited, and simple formatting is possible.

For even more information see the official draw.io documentation and the keyboard shortcuts image. I suggest trying out draw.io which isn't a dedicated tool for note taking, but does have a lot of the options available from the image provided by OP.

More precisely, I would love a cross-platform version of Scapple able to run on both Linux and Windows, but a Linux tool would be great. I am looking for an alternative to Scapple.