The Oxford English Dictionary prioritizes the same definition, but gets to insects in its second definition, commenting thereon “A number of insects damage books in various ways, but the only ones that actually bore through the paper are the larvae of wood-boring beetles.

I find that Merriam-Webster has one definition of the term: “a person unusually devoted to reading and study”. Such bookworms are of course served by lots of bookstores rejoicing in the same name. We live in a world where any child who reads more than two or three books runs the risk of being categorized as a bookworm. I think bookworm may be unusual in being a word more frequently met with in its metaphorical usage than in its base meaning. Pages riddled with bookworm damage on Errata. Sounds like a unlikely scenario though: a mite metamorphosing into a lesser grain borer is, when compared to caterpillar/butterfly, a bit, well, boring. Definition bookworm, usage examples Millions trust Linguix’s free writing app to make their messages, documents, and posts clear, mistake-free, and effective. Bookworm is a general name for any insect that is said to bore through books. I read recently that Eric Carle apparently originally wanted his Hungry Caterpillar to be a hungry bookworm. Rottweilers are intelligent, placid dogs, and are easy to train - and it’s important to train a dog that big who will control you on the street if not trained to answer your command - so when she was told not to eat books, she changed her diet forthwith. Maybe I really didn’t have the misfortune to host a bookworm, but I did once own a book dog, a Rottweiler who as a puppy developed a selective taste for bookbindings.

always loved Danny Kaye’s Hans Christian Andersen. You can search the document, bookmark and highlight interesting content.

Bookworm provides you with a rich set of tools for reading your documents. And who’d have imagined there was a creature called the museum beetle, or worse the drugstore beetle or even the cigarette beetle? Silverfish and cockroaches can also become avid devourers of books. Bookworm is a document reader that allows you to read more than 15 document formats including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI using a versatile, yet simple, and highly accessible interface. But Wikipedia gives us a distressingly long list of contenders for the “bookworm” title, and they have the pictures to back it up. Well, should I tempt providence by claiming never to have detected the action of bookworms in any of the many, many books I have been surrounded with all my life? Indeed I had wondered if it wasn’t all really an old-wife’s tale based on a metaphor.